Climate Change

There is a Ronald Reagan for President campaign commercial from 1984 about a bear in the woods. Many of you likely remember it. It says "There is a bear in the woods. For some people, the bear is easy to see. Others don't see it at all. Some people say the bear is tame. Others say it's vicious and dangerous. Since no one can really be sure who's right, isn't it smart to be as strong as the bear? If there is a bear." At the time, the bear was the Soviet Union. Back then there was a debate about the level of threat posed by the Soviet Union and what we should do about it. The commercial was saying that the smart thing to do, despite some level of uncertainty, is to take the threat seriously and protect ourselves against the Soviet Union. Today, the logic of this commercial still resonates with me. I think the bear is the woods is now climate change. Now imagine the bear represents climate change as we re-quote the commercial: “There is a bear in the woods. For some people, the bear is easy to see. Others don’t see it all. Some people say the bear is tame. Others say it’s vicious and dangerous. Since no one can really be sure who’s right, isn’t it smart to be as strong as the bear? If there is a bear.” Even if you have some doubts about climate change, isn’t it smart to take it seriously, mitigate it, and protect ourselves from it? Like the Soviet Union, if the threat is real, it’s a very big and potentially existential threat (especially for our children and grandchildren— “our Posterity,” as stated in the preamble to the Constitution”). The Preamblist Movement calls on us to take strong, swift action against climate change for ourselves and "our Posterity."


Climate change evidence


Preamblism Question on Current Issues